Monday, May 12, 2008

Best Mother's Day Ever!!

I had such a fun Mother's day this year! It was just a fun weekend all around. I felt very loved and appreciated! I think I have the best family in the world!

I got roses and a balloon from Amber and Lacey!

Hydrangea's from Hoyt and Dharma's Family (daycare)

A gazing ball that glows at night from Mary Kate and Anna's Family (daycare)

Then my Sweet Hubbie made me a creek. We had to do something to move the run off from the house and usually he buries it underground. I have always wanted a little creek and waterfall so he bought me a waterfall/fountain and then ran the pipe from the sump pump and the rain gutter under the fountain so when we have runoff it looks like it is coming from the waterfall. It is going to be so cool. I have already planted around it and down the creek so by late summer it should look pretty amazing. Yea!!!

On Mother's day we went to church after helping wrap the geraniums that the ward gave out, I got RELEASED from the Primary presidency. (this is the first time in almost 7 years I have been without a calling, lets do a countdown to see how many days that lasts. lol) Then Marty barbecued chicken breasts and hamburgers for supper. We had salad, chips, rice and I made a peach cobbler for dessert. Then we layed around the rest of the day. PERFECT!!


Bump and Erin said...

That creek idea is such a great one! I am sure you will make it look beautiful!

Tracy Collings said...

I want a fountain and a creek!! I'm jealous!

Tracy Collings said...

I want a fountain and a creek!! I'm jealous!

Tera said...

Sounds like a fabulous Mother's Day! You deserve it.