Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Free Gift!

If you have been following my blog you know that a while back we did a free prize give away but you had to do the same on your blog. Well I had so much fun with that I decided to do it again but you don't have to do the same. This time I just want you to post your name, where you are from, a little about yourself and how I know you. If we don't know each other then tell me a little more about yourself and email me your mailing address at and I will mail your prize out to you. I'm not selling anything and I am not going to give your address or information to anyone. I just want to get to know people and check out who is checking out my blog.

There is no limit so post away, one prize per person, I will even ship out of the country :). I don't have to know you so consider this a get to know you post. This could be fun!! Don't be shy. COMMENT AWAY!!!

(those of you who commented last time, the prizes are in the mail so watch for them. Don't be afraid to comment again. I love my blogging buddies!)


Tera said...

Thanks Jamie. This is so exciting.

My name is Tera. I am your favorite sister. I am a college student (who is way too old to be a college student) living in Utah with my super cute family.

Tammy said...

What a great idea!

My name is Tammy. I live in a beautiful little country town in Northern Utah.

My parents served a mission to Nauvoo in 2004. All of us sisters (there are six of us) and our families rode the train out to Nauvoo and stayed with my parents over the Fourth of July. We had a blast! They remember you and your husband.

My Dad often "worked" at the black smith shop and the wheel wright shop. The summer after he got home, he built a handcart from the ground up with the knowledge he gained at those two sights and we used it when our stake went to Wyoming to commemorate the 150th year of the Willie and Martin handcart companies tragedy. Captain Willie settled in my home town and his great, great, great (I am not sure how many greats) grandson is our stake president.

I am currently the YW camp director in my ward. I think I have gone to girls camp for the last eight years. I love it!! The theme for this year is "The Academy of Awesomeness!" (courtesy of Kung Fu Panda)

Here the girls will be put through vigorous training on the important techniques of fighting evil from every side! They will hone there skills of integrity and faith, and they will practice there moves down the straight and narrow path where only Heavens Warriors dare to stroll! They will use the shield of morality to defend themselves against worldly wickedness! And in the end, if they have achieved success, they shall be honored above all others and brought before their Master who dwells in the highest academy of all, the Celestial Kingdom Academy.

I can't wait!


Bonnie said...

Hi Jamie - I lurk here once in awhile. I found your blog thru a google search last year when you were having all the flooding. I traveled to Nauvoo with my family several times when I was growing up. It was my desire to take my children there. I finally was able to take 2 of them there in 2000, and then again in 2007. Last year I visited with my youngest son, my sister, and my parents. One of these years I hope to show the city beautiful to my husband & oldest son. I enjoy your blog. I also do daycare in my home (17 years) so it is fun to read about the children you love during the day.

We're All Wright said...

Hi Jamie, I am your favorite mother and avid follower of your blog. Your grandmother is also reading this so we can share the free gift! Yippee! You know how much I love free stuff.

Roy said...

Hi Jamie! I am your favorite uncle. Know how I can tell? Because I'm the first one to post! Isn't this blogging fun? What a wonderful way to keep up on everybody. Oh, um, I'm a software engineer living in Utah with my wonderful cute wife and my two youngest old kids. We're looking forward to conference in a couple of weeks. Are you coming? :)

Anonymous said...

You're insane! This is your favorite sister-in-law, well... maybe not, but since Tera got to be your fav sis and you your mom your fav mom, I just had to follow suit. Anyway, my name is Tricia I live in a messy house in Utah with 6 wild and crazy kids. My hobby is cleaning all day with no success:)

janice said...

My name is Janice (your favorite cousin). I live in Washington State with my husband. When I am not "blog stalking", I'm scuba diving!

fyi-you are the one that started me blogging. =)

Bump and Erin said...

What's all this about favorites??? I am your most perfect sister, Erin, who lives in Utah and loves flowers and doing yard work (just like you), is forever dieting, it seems (just like you), spends my day cleaning my house and watching kids (just like you. . .) hey you must be perfect too!!!

ha ha!! I love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jamie!! This is Bryce! I am your middle daughters best friend!! i love you!! your my second mom!!! I live in Nauvoo too!! I love to play volleyball, basketball, and track!! I'm also in the play that your daughter is starring in!! i really am excited for prom!! and i can't wait to get a pair of your beautiful earrings to wear!!! love you bunches!!=]]

My name is Lexi said...

i want some earrings haha!
this is lexi

my blog is

the youngest steen!! said...

hey mom make me a present. :) this is Lacey steen Jamie youngest and most helpful girl :)

Dana said...

Dana Wright
Safford, AZ
My husband Dave is your cousin and although we have not offically met, I feel like I know you and your family so well. So until next summer at the Wright reunion...

Shayla said...

I'm Shayla. I'm your more favorite cousin than Janice. (Was that sentence even in English?) And I read your is evidenced by the fact that I'm 12985 comments down. :) I live in Salt Lake. What else are we supposed to say?

tacy said...

Hey Jamie! You are AMAZING! Can I just say that? My name is Tacy and I am a super senior at BYU-Idaho! You were my young womens leader but I got the privilege of becoming your friend when we worked on the concession stand together. I'd like to think I'm your "favorite" nelson, but I know it is hard to choose between me and Nathan.

Jessie said...

JAMIE! It's Jessie! I am actually your favorite Nelson, I will be home from Culinary school in April, then I will be able to see again! I can't wait!

Laura said...

hi Jamie this is constance, Iloved my mom's ear rings and hoped that I could steal them from her and she said no way. She told me to comment and maybe you would send me some too.

Marty Steen said...

my wife is not crazy she just needs adult friends to talk to instead of daycare kids to talk to lol thank you for being her friends .
concerned husband

Katy Wilson said...

my question is....was that really marty commenting on this blog right above me...or is it Jamie posting as marty like she does sometimes on my blog.
My name is Katy...and I am not a cousin, mom, uncle or former young women of Jamie...just a friend. A friend who loves her blog! I am already getting something from Jamie (I think...) so I'm just commenting for the sake of commenting!

janice said...

I'm just commenting again to say that Shayla is crazy!! I am the most favorite cousin!

hey, will I get two gifts for two comments? =]

Unknown said...

No that was defiantly Marty, and I don't know what he is trying to say. lol Janice I think one is enough but you should be getting your prize from last time any day now. I sent them Friday. Thanks for posting everyone. Keep them coming!

Marty Steen said...

I'm just trying to say your not crazy TLA !!!!