Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Today all the kids showed up all dressed in green so I thought I should be more festive. It's a green day at the Steen's today. Happy St Patrick's day!!!!!

I wish I had taken a picture of Amber & Lacey before they left for school today. :) They are green too.
This week is Amber's musical and she has really been struggling with a bad virus. Her throat is sore and her headaches. The practices are long and tonight is the last one before dress rehearsals. The first performance is Thursday March 19th. Amber's group performs on Friday night at 7 and Saturday at 2pm.


Lisa said...

awe they are so cute!

tacy said...

Cuties!! I feel bad for Amber, I hope she feels better! We are going to have to see some videos of her performance!!

Tracy Collings said...

I hope she gets feeling better before the play!

We're All Wright said...

Happy St. Patricks day!!! Did you call Jared to wish him a happy b-day?