I have to tell you that Conference weekends are two of my favorite times of the year. They always have been. I don't know if I thought about it much I just get really happy when I know it is coming up and really sad if I have to miss any of it.
I just started thinking about it last Sunday. Our home teachers came over and started reading to us an article called "Preparing our children for General Conference" from March's Ensign. They tend to be long winded and at first I was getting frustrated. Then I started to really listen. He was reading about preparing for conference, remembering fun things we did as families at conference time. Making conference fun for our families and preparing them to listen. I started remembering what I loved about conference time and why I love conference so much.
When I was young it was a time when the family got together. Anyone who was in town from our family and our extended family would come to our house, because we lived near Salt Lake City Utah, to watch it on tv or go to the tabernacle and then we would hang out visit and have dinner together. I got to see my cousins and grandparents who lived out of state. It was always a special time. We took the time to have a Family Home evening where we prayed together and listened to council from Grandpa or Uncle Jack or whoever had some important insight to share. That tradition still goes on only now it's at my Uncle Roy's house in Orem, Utah. It was always fun and I loved it. I know my family is closer because of Conference time and how we spent it.
This past week I have been thinking more about conference. I realized that I know that the talks we hear are from the prophet and apostles of God and the words they speak are inspired of God. I have decided that I want to prepare myself to listen to conference. I want to do more than just listen to the talks. I am going to be very prayerful so I can understand more of what the Lord expects from me and my life and I want to see for myself if this will make a difference in how I experience conference.
I know that the Lord speaks to us through prophets and apostles just like he always has. I am grateful for that knowledge and the comfort it brings to me. I am so grateful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ and that he loved us enough to suffer for us so that we can be happy and return to live with him someday. I love this Easter season because it is a time to start fresh and reflect on the things that are most important to us in our lives. I am so thankful that I know that there is a purpose for this life and it is one of joy and happiness.
I am so grateful for a family who taught me the importance of conference time first by making it a fun tradition and second for sharing their feelings about the importance of the messages we receive. I love the gospel and I am grateful for dedicated home teachers who took the time to prepare a message for us and that I listened.
Ditto. I love conference too. I was just printing out activities for my kids to keep them entertained during conference.
I love the uplifting messages and the spirit that is felt during conference. I also love the opportunity of listening to a living prophet of God.
I miss the time we had together with our families and love you so very much you have grown up awesome.
I loved the ideas in that ensign article. I can't wait to implement the one where you give everyone in the family their own copy of the Conf Ensign and a highlighter and then go through a talk every FHE. The littler ones can just color in it if they want to, but hopefully my older ones will get something out of it. It is so hard to hear what's being said when you're surrounded by very loud kids. So I've been anxiously awaiting conf and that ensign ever since I found that idea.
Dad said to tell you how impressed grandma and grandpa and we were with your comments! We are so proud of you. XOXO
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