Quincy Art Center 35th Annual Student Art Competition
A while back I posted a picture Amber did of herself in her digital photography class. She really has fun doing it and a month or so ago her teacher had her submit it to a local art competition. Well she won first place. A couple days ago she received a letter that her photograph was accepted into the "Quincy Art Center 35th Annual Student Art Competition". It will be on display April 18 - May 16 for anyone who might want to attend. I guess it is really amazing to get accepted. She didn't win but I think she is really feeling great about her talent. I posted a few other works that are on display there. http://www.quincyartcenter.org/ "Fading Away" by Amber Steen
way cool! I just got done with a photography class. I wish he would have shown us more with photoshop but we didn't have time.
how cool!! nice job!
That is so awesome! What a great talent!
That is so cool. What an amazing picture. I don't remember seeing the earlier post of the picture. That is so neat.
Great job Amber, I think I'll put you to work next time you come into town. I could use a few cool family pictures.
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