Alexa Stout and date, Chris Haas and Amber Steen, Devin Diveney and Bryce Capener

These pictures were taken by Alexa Stouts mom in front of our house and around Nauvoo.

Alexa, Amber & Bryce

Aj Glass and her date, Amber and Chris, Alexa and her date, Rick Jensen and AJ's cousin Elissa

Amber and Chris Haas

Before prom all the kids went out to Warsaw High School for "Prom Preview" where they are announced and take pictures. Then the kids were off to dinner and then to Prom. After Prom they came to our house for movies and popcorn. Amber bottomed out after the first movie and sent everyone home. I went out to check on them at about 1:15 and the house was empty and Amber was sound asleep in bed. I hope she wasn't too rude. She woke up cranky and tired but she said she had a good time.
fun! I had a lot of fun at prom and I went with Chris's older brother. Amber and I are basically the same.... if only I was georgus and had an amazing voice
So fun! It's always more fun with good friends to help. Thanks for sharing.
Ha ha,lol, Amber a party pooper, I never would have guessed:) The girls looked beautiful. How fun. I would have cut out of my prom by 10pm if I could have.
I love the pictures!!! I'm glad she bottomed out while it was still fun. Some kids never know when to quit.
They all look so pretty, what a fun evening for them.
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