Flat Stanley visiting the Nauvoo Temple
Marty's niece Kelly has a daughter Kenzie who had a school project where they send this adorable little Flat Stanley guy for a visit through the mail. We took him around and mailed him back along with a paper we filled out for the class telling about his visit, our town and our State that we live in. It was a lot of fun. This is the second time we have been asked to do this and was a really fun family home evening activity.
Flat Stanley visiting the Mississippi River at the bottom of Parley's street where he lost his luggage in the river and it floated away
Flat Stanley down at the sites. We would have gone to visit Lynn and Sharon but they were in Rendezvous and we didn't have tickets.
Samuel did flat Stanley when he was in 4th grade. It was so much fun. It looks like flat Stanley sure had fun visiting you. To bad about his laugage though.
Thats funny, We have some newspaper clipping of a Flat Grace visiting the area!
we have the clipping because she came to the fudge factory..
Just wanted to say hi! I saw your blog on Nichole Ivie's. I knew her when I was a student at the Joseph Smith Academy over four years ago. It was so fun to see some of your shots from Nauvoo and to hear about your happy life there. My husband and I just went back there last September to get married :)... it was sooooo great and we miss that place. We would totally love to retire there. :)
Klayton sent Flat Stanley to Kansas. It was a fun projet!
We will be coming in August :)
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