Last night we went to the High Schools music awards night. It was rough after sitting through 3 hours of awards the night before it the same auditorium but it was really fun to hear the kids sing and the band was really good too.
The band played first. My favorite part was when they played 30 songs in 3 1/2 minutes. It was hilarious. I don't think I have ever been so entertained by a High School Band performance. Then the Chorus sang. Then they gave out awards. The night ended with a performance by the Jazz Band who have won national awards. They are amazing.
John Roskamp, Amber Sreen, Chris Haas, Ande Glass, Bryce Capener, Jacob Stevenson
They gave a certificate to the kids that Amber sang with in her Mixed Vocal Ensemble at the Illinois State Solo and Ensemble Competition this year. Their Certificate read "The Best of the Day Award presented to Mixed Vocal Ensemble C. Haas, A. Glass, A. Steen, S. Weisinger, B. Capener, J. Roskamp, Q. Clark, J. Stevenson In recognition of the most Superior Musical Performance heard this day by your judge." They sang it again last night so I recorded it since we didn't get it recorded at the competition and I posted it below. All of the kids in this group are Seniors except Amber and Bryce who are both Juniors this year.
Amber Marie Steen
John Roskamp, Amber Steen and Chris Haas
Very pretty song, they sound great!
Sounds great! Way to go Amber!!
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