Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Elders Quorum Camp Out

Marty decided it was time for an Elders Quorum activity. He called Dave Hardle and they decided a camp out would be fun. It really really was. Some people camped some just came for dinner but it was a great turn out and everyone had a great time.

Even the little ones had their tents

Marty and Lacey waiting to cook dinner

What a pretty place to camp. About four miles out of Nauvoo on river road at Dave Hardles property.

Our big cooking fire. Waiting for the coals to get started.

Gerri found a great roasting stick

Rob and Jeanette Glass visiting with Wendy Dewey

Savannah Birdsall trying to start a fire the old fashioned way

We had a great turn out

It's been a long time since our family has been camping. The girls were just camping with the young women a week ago so they are use to it.

These smart elders even rented a port-a-pottie for the comfort of all

Dave Hardle cooking his famous pancakes

Waiting for breakfast


We're All Wright said...

Sounds so fun! Even if we were there I'm sure I couldn't get Dave to camp out but I'll bet he would have come for dinner.

The Ivie's said...

It was a GREAT activity! I still want to go camping again soon! Even my kids are asking when we get to go again.