Another day they dressed like cowboys. I wish I had a picture from spirit day. She looked crazy cute but alas I have no proof.

On the way to the homecoming parade in Warsaw we had a blowout on our van so Marty hitched us a ride with the Adams and we made it just in time for the parade.
Amber is a Homecoming Queen candidate so we were excited to go see her in the parade.
Because of our late arrival we had a really bad location for photo's but hey at least we got a few.
Then at the football game later that evening they announced all of the homecoming candidates.
It has been really fun!! Tonight we get to go to Hamilton High School for the crowning and then they will have their homecoming dance. It's at Hamilton because Hamilton and Warsaw/Nauvoo all play football together so they decided to combined the dance. (they all go to both dances anyway)
McKenna just told me the news. Yeah!! Congrats Amber. She totally deserves it. That guy she is with on the football field is a real cutie.
That is wonderful. She looks so cute.
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