Marty is my best friend. He isn't perfect but he is getting there. He is humble and good. He always wants what is best for his family. He wants to do what is right and good. He has grown and changed over the years in ways that make me proud and happy. He loves his family to a fault and never wants to disappoint them or let them down. I have never seen anyone try so hard to be better than himself. He recognizes his faults and struggles constantly to improve. He is kind to me and never criticizes and doesn't let me criticize myself. I am grateful that he is the man I get to spend eternity with. I love him very much.
I am so proud of Sage and the choices she has made. She has so many reasons to get discouraged because of her diabetes and other health issues. It was really hard on her when we left Utah and moved to Illinois. She has done great. She has always been so generous to me. I love all the long talks we have had over the years. I always knew she would be someone wonderful. She has a wonderful husband who is kind and patient with her. I love following her blog and facebook and seeing all the fun things they do. I hate that we live so far away from her but I am so grateful she is happy. I love Sage and Zach very much.
Amber is our princess. She is confident and talented. I am so proud of her ability to stand up for what she believes in and who she is. She does her own thing and doesn't care what anyone thinks. She is kind and thoughtful but can be fierce when she feels like she needs to stand up for someone or something. She is determined and constant. She is loyal to those she loves and cares for. She makes good choices and is a good example, friend and confidant to her sisters. I am so proud of who she is. She makes me proud to be her mom.
Lacey is my baby. She is great! She works hard to help her dad and I. She is always the one doing the chores nobody else wants to do. We take advantage of her and she doesn't mind. She is good and sweet. She loves everyone and really suffers when people are unkind. She doesn't let her disabilities discourage her. When someone says she can't she proves them wrong every time and has been that way since she was very small. She aims to please and endears herself to everyone. She is my best helper and I don't know what I would do without her.
I love my family very much. I am so thankful for each of them. We are good friends and enjoy being together. Nothing makes me happier than watching my girls goof around and play with each other. It has been my greatest joy that their relationship has never changes since they were very small. They are friends and they love each other. I AM SO THANKFUL FOR MY FAMILY.
Jamie! I love your family too! I don't even know what I would of done this summer if sage was not there. And I love working with Amber, she is fantastic. And Lacey is Just fantastic as well!
You do have a beautiful family in all that matters. Hopefully this next year we can spend more time with you. Everyone working with Marty at work has so much admiration for Marty. And you are wonderful. Your children each have a part of your personality in them. We love you.
wait a minute my mother In- law thinks I am perfect and I Walk on water And Moms Know Best LOL. and I also am thankful for.MY Family My Wife Jamie Jamie is my best friend. She perfect for me
Marty is right and I'm sure he DOES walk on water. His family is right there with him however. I've never seen anyone mad and any of them. How could they be when they are all so kind?
Yes, your family is GREAT, I love you all too!! Happy Thanksgiving!
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