I am Thankful that I have a testimony of Jesus Christ. I know that He is real. I know that he loves me and knows who I am. He listens to my prayers and guides me in my life. I am thankful for this knowledge and the peace and happiness it brings to my life. My greatest desire is to be more like Him in every aspect of my life.

I am Thankful that the gospel of Jesus Christ is upon the earth. That all of the blessings of the bible are available to us here and now. I am thankful for Prophets who guide and direct us. I am thankful for the temples and that I am sealed to those who I love for all eternity. That I will be with them even after this life on earth ends.

I am Thankful for the scriptures. For the testimony the scriptures bear of Jesus Christ and the true gospel. It is a great comfort to me to read and know that the struggles people have had from the beginning of time have been the same. That the Lord has always been aware of the needs of his people. That He is constant. His word is powerful yet simple if we just listen and obey. The challenges of this life are to help us grow and gain knowledge that can mold us into the people the Lord would have us become if we are obedient and willing.
This knowledge gives me great peace. I know that no matter what happens in this life. Everything will be ok. I can stand any challenge that life throws at me because I know that the Savior is with me and always will be.
The gospel has filled my life with joy and happiness.
I am so Thankful for my life.
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