I am Thankful for my JOBS!!!

After the years and years of doing daycare so that I could afford to be a stay at home mom. I finally decided that a woman can only be the "mom" to infants and toddlers for so many years and I guess 20 years is my limit. :) Now that Sage is married and gone, I started babysitting when she was born, and Lacey who is my baby turns 15 in December, it was time to stop.

I was very fortunate to get a job cleaning at the Nauvoo temple at night. I LOVE it! It is quiet and peaceful. The perfect job for me at this point in my life. Unfortunatley it doesn't pay as well as daycare.

So I clean cabins for Nauvoo Log Cabins. I LOVE it. It isn't every day but it keeps me in pocket money.

I was at the Jr High one day and saw that they were struggling with finding drivers. I got into a conversation with Annie in the office and offered to take the earlybird chorus kids. I get up anyway in the morning with the girls before seminary so I had no problem driving the schools van and taking kids out to the high school twice a week. I love it. Then it turned into after school pick up of play practice, vollyball, basketball and whatever else is needed. The problem? I could only drive the van. So now the school is paying for me to get my bus drivers licence. Talk about falling into my lap. I am a bit nervous. I never would have gone looking for a job like this but I am really enjoying it.
I am very Thankful for my jobs!! :)
In Sept. I was talking to a lady and she kept telling me, "You know...you should be a bus driver! You get to meet all kinds of cute kids and stuff!"
looks like you're burning the candle at both ends to me. working at the Temple at night, early rise to take kids on a school bus.....what are you doing? hooooooooo boy. yeah, I know, you love it all. and I love you.
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