On Saturday Marty discovered a large lump in his groin. It really freaked him out. Today we went to the doctor and sure enough he has developed an inguinal hernia. We go on Thursday to meet with the surgeon. If you know Marty at all I am sure you know he is totally freaking out. I'll be glad when this event is over and so will he. :)

Oh man, I am so sorry!! How long will he be off work?
I am sure every thing will be just fine but I know it still is scary to have to think about surgery. Good luck to both of you.
I am so sorry. I've had one of those too about 10 years ago. The surgery was easy, but the recovery was a bit painful. Maybe I shouldn't be telling you that. It is impossible not to stain that muscle. You can pretty much only move your arms without hurting. Ok I'll stop. Don't let Marty read this comment:)
Jeez!!!!!!! That has to be horrible!!
ouch!! Darn it! Bummer!! There must be a positive here....oh yes... you can skip that "honey do" list for a week or two. Even skip the Mother-in-law do list!
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