Yesterday was Lacey's 15th birthday. Because of Marty's surgery we didn't plan anything. Last weekend Marty and I took Lacey to see "2012" at the theater. We really enjoyed it.
We got her a pair of "ugg" style boots and Amber got her some Buckle jeans so Lacey was really happy. Amber had play practice but after she went to Walmart and got Lacey some cheese cake and Ice cream for her birthday. She also picked up a couple frozen pizza's.

Marty had a pretty rough day. He is fine when he isn't moving but for some reason our bodies must move. It is hard to see him in so much pain. Lacey spent the day helping me take care of him and cleaning house. Marty sleeps and listens to Christmas music all day.

At about 5pm we went down to the visitor center to see Amber sing with the high school choir. She was going to sing a duet with Josh Adams but they couldn't find someone to replace the piano player when the lady who was going to do it got sick.

Amanda took Lacey and her cousin Alex to the movies to see "the Blind Side" for their birthdays so I think Lacey ended up having a really fun day.

Lynn and Sharon were at the visitor singing for the lighting of the tree and then we followed them over to the Cultural Hall where they were in the live Nativity. Sharon was in the Angel choir and Lynn was the narrator. It was really nice.

We had to rush home to help Marty but it was still a good evening. I really love the holidays in Nauvoo.
wow! what a fun day! (thanks for the pics of mom and dad) =)
Wow, 15!! Happy Birthday Lacey. Tell Aunt Sharon she looks "angelic"!!
Happy Birthday Lacey! You are beautiful. Stay out of trouble!
I love all the fun things you do in Nauvoo around Christmastime. It's fun that Lynn and Sharon are participating too. Fun!
We are praying for Marty. I hope he recovers quickly.
Miss you!
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