Sunday, January 23, 2011

Kitchen Remodel Update

I had to show this earlier picture so you could look at the one under it to see the difference in the cabinets.
We moved the big long cabinet over by the stove. We put the one that was there on the otherside of the room by the closet.

we filled an empty space by the counter with one of the cabinet doors from next to the stove and cut a hole that will fit cookie sheets, large cutting boards and pizza pans. yay! now I just have to find a cool rack to install in that space!

Marty took down the big florescent light and started hanging can lights
He looks like a ghost!! Sheetrock dust!! Yuck!!

This is as far as we got. The lights are wired and working all but 2. Saturday just isn't long enough! :) well we will have to see what we can get done on Monday, Tuesday, wednesday.....


We're All Wright said...

Wow I like how it looks with the cupboards moved around. You will love the cookie sheet cupboard! I like the cam lights so much better!!!

We're All Wright said...

Marty looks more like an angel than a ghost.... he is always an angel in my eyes!