We finally got to see Amber's High School Musical. It was so good. Amber did a great job we were so proud of her. We were really worried because she has been sick all week and the morning of this show she sounded like a frog when she talked. She really pulled it off and it was really fun to listen to the comments people made. She was a hit! They all were. It was a really fun show.
On Saturday night after all of the performances were over Amber was given an award that has been given at Warsaw High School since the 80's. It's a little stuffed animal named Bucky that they place all around the set during the last performance. They give it to the Junior who was the "cream of the crop" and when she is a senior she will pass it on to the best at next years performance. Well Amber was given this award.
Congratulations to Amber! It was a great show and so fun to watch. I can hardly wait till next year. I hope they will do something that will really show off her voice!
Whoo! Congrats to Amber! I can't believe she is in high school! man its been awhile since I saw her!
Buster, not bucky
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