Amber is still sick. Actually Lacey and Amber are both sick. They have missed a whole week of school and been to the doctor twice. We have tried every remedy known to man and it is still going strong. I have never seen anything this rotten. I was out sick for a week with this. Marty was sick 5 days. Amber has been sick for 2 weeks and it is only getting worse. Lacey got sick Saturday, March 21st and here it is the 27th. She tried to go to school and ended up turning completely pale and going back to bed. They both want to go back to school so bad and to be honest I am tired of sick whiny kids.
Poor girls!! I hate being sick!
So I guess Amber won't be at work tomorrow. I was wondering how she was feeling and kept meaning to ask Sage, but then forgot. Hope she can get over it soon. She probably got so run down with rehearsals every night that it is going to take her longer to get over it. Hang in there!
sick kids are the pits! Where O where is Summer?
Yuck! I'm so sorry you guys have so sick, but glad your not contagious from there:) I do not want that here. Start spraying the lysol and downing the Emergen-C.
everyone at our house has been sick too! Just not as long as you guys! I am so sorry!
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