Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Today's Vote in Nauvoo

Today was a busy crazy day. We spent the whole week, weekend and Monday finishing our back hall, Laundry room and any touch-ups and painting that needed to be done. It felt so good to get it finished. I just love my house. Because of the long hours I have put into the finish up I was SO TIRED today and at 6:45pm I realized I had forgotten to vote. So I ran to city hall and I walked in and got my ballot. While I was voting I heard one of the Judges walk out the door and call out "Hear ye, Hear ye, the Polls are now closed" so I thought I should blog that I was the LAST person to vote this year in Nauvoo, Illinois. lol that was fun. :)


Tera said...

That's funny. I'm glad you got there in time.

We're All Wright said...

Mom says you must have had something slippery to get you under the wire just in time! I say I hope your vote made a difference! I hope you voted for something really cheap so our taxes don't go up!