As I have said it has been raining a lot here in Nauvoo. I have heard that the grounds look terrible and so I went down yesterday to take a look. The grass is long and shaggy and everything looks very unkempt. Sage is on the ground crew and she said it is all because of the rain. Everything is so wet and had been for so long, the mowers just sink out of site. As soon as it starts to dry out it rains again. It's crazy, I've never seen it like this in the 8 years we have been here.

These pictures are from down by the nauvoo pageant site.

I was trying to show the water on the ground but with all the tall grass I could not get a good picture. If you try to walk in the grass you sink over the top of your shoes.
A lot of the trees are losing their leaves, I am assuming from too much water.
Holy cow! That is a lot of water.
the grounds only look bad because I'm not there to mow. we saw a change in command and then I left and everything started to look like poop!(just kidding....kinda)
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