Marty decided he wanted to take the dogs so Marty and I drove with them and Sage and Zach followed in their car.
If you are wondering where Amber and Lacey were...Amber was in England visiting Luke. Who just got his mission call to Manchester, England. She flew to Salt Lake on Friday and made an appearance at the reception in Grantsville before she went to Tracy's and crashed with exhaustion. Lacey went to Utah a week ahead of us with Jessica Piggot and her parents Sylvia and Jerry.
When we got there we went to Marty's dad's house. We went over to see the headstone that they had just put in. It was cool because all of the kids pitched in to pay for it. Sage, Amber and Lacey all paid equal parts. There is a porcelain picture of Barb and Ken that they still have to put in. The names of all the kids are on the back.
After that we went to the Magic Wok to see Bobbie. She fed us and we had a great time.
That night there was a bridal shower for Sage at Casi & Jareds house. We got to know Zach's family a little better.
I stayed up late playing games with my super awesome sisters. We got really silly and I have to say I wish I could hang with them every day. I have the best sisters in the whole wide world.
The reception was on Friday night. It was really neat. It had the same feel as the reception in Nauvoo. Zach's mom had white roses on every table. it smelled wonderful and it was really beautiful.
Saturday morning we drove down to Cedar City and unloaded the kids stuff into their new apartment. If you want to see pictures of sages Apartment go to Sage's Blog. Zach is going to college at SUU. He is planning on becoming an engineer.
Marty's dad, brother Kenny and sister Billie followed us down and helped unload. Sage and Zach blew a rod in their car and get to buy a new/used car with the money they saved.
We went over to Marty's dads house Sunday night to visit a bit.
On Monday Marty helped Erin and Bump put in the windows in Corbans room. It didn't take them anytime at all. Monday we went to Lee and Tricia's and got to participate in the "Iron Chef" competition my family does. We miss it every year because we live so far away so they did one just for us. It was a lot of fun. They let Marty be the judge which was funny. The food was MMmmm good!!!

we packed up and drove home. Jessica Piggot went with us. She is going to be attending Nauvoo University this fall.
We had such a great time even though it was a really quick trip.
So much info I don't even know where to start commenting. Amazing that you fit all that in. It sounds like a great time!
It was so much fun to see you guys. I love spending time with you.
Jeez! That was a loaded trip! I hope you had fun :)
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