Mom was teasing me because I have been driving a bus since school started and I haven't blogged about it yet. She didn't even know I was doing it.
Yes, I am a bus driver. Well its a little bus and I don't have to have a special license to drive it but I am still a bus driver. :) I pick up the kids in town for early bird chorus and drive them to Warsaw. At night I pick up for Volleyball, Football and Golf. I even got to drive the Jr High basketball team to the tournament in La harpe. (Lacey's team) Play practice just started so I get to pick them up sometimes too. I LIKE it!!

The lives of our youth are in your hands, wow that gives you a lot of control!!! What a fun job, congrats on it and have some fun. I'll be sure to wave when I see the little bus on the road!!
Hey! I think I missed something somewhere. What happened to the daycare kids? Did you trade that job in for a new one?
I quit doing daycare the end of June. :)
LOL!!James, I can't believe you did not tell us of this new little side job. I would love to be one of the kids on your bus. I'm sorry, but I'm still giggling. You are so great.
Hey!!! You finally did it!!! Good job.. nice wheels!
You're the best! Love you
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