Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Cousins are in town!!!

So Janice and Sherilyn have been in town for a week now and I have only seen them in passing except when Janice did my toes. I hurried over yesterday early so I could see Janice before she left and the house was quiet. Everyone was still asleep. I went back a bit later and found that Janice had gotten sick the night before so they stayed most of the rest of the day. I actually had time to hang out with them. Yay!! Janice was feeling better and they left last night. Thanks to the "Nauvoo Gamboo" (what we call ever bug you catch here) I got to hang with Janice for a few hours before she had to head for home.
Janice and Matt. Aren't they cute!!

Sherilyn and her family will be here for another week so I'll have more time to see them.

1 comment:

Sheri Dickson Woodson said...

Yeah! I made someone's post!