We got rid of our land line because it never works and we only have our cell phones now. I just thought this is a good way to let everyone know. If you don't have it email me and I will send it to you.
We had media com for a long time and they were always really great to work with but we have never had very good service. Over the years thy have repaired it over and over but the sygnal has always been pretty poor. The funny thing is there is a cable box right next to our drive way. Only a few yards from where the cable enters our house. Our line comes from all the way across our property, and across our neighbors property. Why? Nobody seems to know and they are unable or a willing to fix it. So after years of paying a lot of money to have cable phone that cut us off randomly, Cable TV that is and has always been grainy, and internet that is unpredictable and undependable. I think Media Com is a good company and I know lots of neighbors who are really happy with them but for some reason I guess we have just been unlucky. So we gave up. I really only posted to let people know our phone is off for good this time, so we don't need calls that "it isn't working again" LOL
We got rid of Mediacom also and now have Dish network for our television it is much cheaper so if you sign up tell them we sent you and we get a $100 credit. yippy! I can handle that. Also just went to cell phones only and Verizon for our internet. Works for us. and no more high bills from mediacom.
Also we are saving about 1/2 of what we were paying mediacom. I need your cell number ok.
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