Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sandbaggers Needed Flood 2008

There has been a huge need for volunteers to fill sandbags all over the tri state area. Today all of the employees of Nauvoo Restoration loaded up and drove out to Dallas City to fill Sandbags. Every morning on the news there is a call for Help and a pleading for no spectators. I am glad the girls and Marty got a chance to help. Marty even came home and grabbed Lacey. They worked harder than their use too but dispite a few blisters they feel great.


David said...
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Jen said...

Hi, I ran across your blog on google trying to find out info about nauvoo and the flooding. Our friends Randy and Kathy Douglas live there (they own the adventure zone) and I haven't been able to get a hold of them. Anyway, we are thinking of all of you there and hope the waters will recede soon. God Bless!
The Barnes Family - Aurora, IL

Krista said...

Sounds like your blog is connecting people to Nauvoo. Such a beautiful place! We were privileged to be there for the temple open house.

I too stumbled across your blog trying to find info about the flooding in Nauvoo. My uncle and aunt (Dave and Ruthann Smith) live in Nauvoo. I'm trying to follow up on what is going on in their area. Googling the floods led me to your blog. Thanks for all you're doing to help the flood and for your updates on your blog.

Our prayers are with everyone.
